Hello! My name is Romklao.

I am a full-stack web developer.

Explore my portfolio


Romklao Chainuwong

My name is Romklao Chainuwong. The web is always evolving as a platform, and I am a passionate learner. I am an avid believer in the open source ethos that powers all this innovation, knowledge sharing, and constant growth. I create fully responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and my current stack of choice is React, Redux, Express, and Node.js.



Brick Pro

A full-stack app which allows users to search, save favorite Lego sets, and find sellers to purchase. Developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express, MongoDB and Node.js. Relevant data is retrieved with a Fetch API from Rebrickable API.

Amazon Best

A full-stack app created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Express, MongoDB and Node.js. Data is retrieved with a Fetch API from Amazon API. It enables to search for bestselling products on Amazon, stores favorite items, learns a product description and gets a product link to Amazon.

Romantic Places

A frontend only project developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Integrates the Foursquare API and Google Maps API to generate the data and location of places. Data is retrieved with AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML).

